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The hollywood celebrity secret to gorgeous
Vampire facial is treatment that use self-extracted growth factor from platelet for skin rejuvenation. It's essentially a regenerative therapy, which uses nothing but the patient's own blood. Platelets are tiny blood cells which play a crucial part in helping the body stop bleeding - as well as repairing damaged blood vessels and cells. You could think of them as little powerhouses, which release proteins for growth when they come in contact with the body's tissue.
In Vampire facial process, a needle is used to draw blood from the client's arm. The blood is then processed in the laboratory to extracted growth factor. The stem cell and growth factor from the blood are extracted, and spattered on the client's face using tiny acupuncture-style needles to rejuvenate their face. And its a trend for celebrity as Kim Kardashian, Bar Refaeli and Ferne McCann.
Click to watch VDO Dr. Chontirot explain " All you need to know about PRP "
Eat the clean healthy meal and plenty of water before treatment for the best quality of blood.
Blood draw.
Isolating the Magic from Your Blood.
Apply the numbness cream and wait for the fully effect for about 30 minutes.
We offer all kinds off PRP technique such as PRP with microneedling , intra-dermal/ subcutaneous PRP injection ( Plasma filler ) with the same price there are no additional charge

Wash the face with cold water without soap before bed time and gently massage the face with tepid water and remove all serum and dried blood. No sunscreen or makeup for 12 hours following treatment.
Apply sensitive skin moisturiser frequently for 7-10 days after treatment to help the skin repair perfectly.
Do not go swimming for at least 5 days after treatment.
No exercise and avoid for 24 hours of treatment.
Regular make up can apply normally the day after treatment.
Avoid alcohol-based toners and whitening for 10-14 days as well as excessive sun exposure for 10 days.
The first 2 weeks after treatment should use only sensitive skin product to prevent skin irritation for the case that treat by mreurfacing method
Use sun screen daily.
Skin Renewal
Reduce your pore size, wrinkle, skin laxity,stimulate new collagen production

Tight and firm
By stimulate your new collagen production your skin look tight smooth and firm

Improve your skin quality reverse photo-aging sign make your skin like a baby skin

Natural power
Rejuvenate your skin with pure natural self extract growth
from yourself.

Plasma filler ' a natural rejuvenate from PRP "
What is plasma filler?
Plasma filler is a treatment that injects PRP into your face or neck. PRP has been used for decades for wound and soft tissue healing by orthopedic doctors and wound care physicians.
There also a large amount of research and clinical evidence demonstrating PRP’s regenerative properties for the treatment of scars, minimizing pores, fine wrinkles, volume loss, hair loss, and skin rejuvenation.
 “Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is a preparation of platelets in concentrated blood plasma with regenerative growth factors used to stimulate skin healing, collagen production, other important proteins that support the skin
PRP and dermal filler what's the difference?
Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is extracted from your own blood and injected into the skin to rejuvenate skin. Platelet-rich plasma contains growth factors that improve cellular activity and boost collagen production, effectively rejuvenating your skin. It utilizes the growth factors found in your blood, so your body won’t reject the substance.
Dermal fillers focus on “filling” the hollow parts of your face that experience volume loss. Fillers add volume to the cheeks and the sunken areas in the lower half of your face. They are not permanent; they can only last between 8-18 months. In rare cases, you might encounter blood vessel blockage causing skin death or blindness or develop lumps under your skin.
Plasma filler, how long will it last?
The results of platelet-rich plasma treatments typically last longer than dermal fillers. Depending on the number of treatment sessions, PRP spans from 12 months up to 24 months. Dermal fillers can last from 8 months to 18 months before losing its effects.

​Revival Clinic
Tailor-made design treatment in every case to create the best result
Hospital standard sanitization with a minimal price
Every case and every step will be done by a specialist medical doctor
Price transparency: there is no hidden cost, no hard sale, no sale agent in our clinic
We are specialists in international care. The doctor and staffs speak English fluently.
Professional opinion: Your benefit, your long-term safety, your privacy are our top priorities.
Common question and answer about PRP treatment at Revival Clinic
What is PRP ?
PRP or platelet rich plasma is the treatment which use your own blood, spin it in the centrifuge, take the platelet rich part and re- inject it back to your body any where that you want to repair or rejuvenate
You may heard about many term of this treatment such as PRP, PRF , Vampire facial, vampire facelift, PPP next I will explain you all about the different of these term and how to use it
First I would Like to start with the history of PRP which will give you more idea about how safe of this treatment and the variety of use
The history of PRP
In 1970s haematologist started the concept and description of the PRP which mean the plasma with higher concentration of platelet count , this PRP use For transfusion to treat patients with Low platelet count.
Ten years later, PRP started to be used in face and neck surgery as PRF. F is short for fibrin. This fibrin had the potential to assist the wound healing , anti-inflammatory and stimulated new cell production .
Later on PRP extensively used in many field such as sport injury , cardiac surgery to reduce the sternal wound complication , in gynecology also to facilitate the wound healing , in urology for erectile dysfunction and also in plastic surgery, ophthalmology. Or basically any where that you have the wound to heal, PRP can be benefit, since the natural function of platelet, is to assist the healing and regeneration.
In dermatology field, prp also has wide variety use such as tissue regeneration, wound healing, scar treatment, skin rejuvenation or anti-aging for skin and also for hair loss
PRP, mechanism of action ?
Imagine if you have got a knife cut on your finger, then the bleeding starts, at this step your platelet will do it’s job for wound healing by releasing various type of Growth factor . such as platelet derived growth factor or PDGF which stimulate new stem cell and collagen production, these growth factor also have anti-inflammatory properties to reduce the inflammation and, assist the healing process
PRF,PRFM,PRP,PPP what’s the different ?
To make this easier for understanding, I will draw the diagram, how to prepare all this blood products
Start with the whole blood
If we added anti-coagulant such as ACD and then double spin with the centrifuge what we get is red blood cell on the bottom , in the middle or we called Buffy coats layer this is PRP or platelet rich plasma and on the uppermost layer is the plasma with small amount of platelet so we call PPP or platelet poor plasma
So by this way, what we get is PRP and PPP
In the other way if we prepare the blood without adding any anti-coagulant with the right spinning setting and right duration of spin, we will get platelet rich fibrin ,this clumping form can’t inject with needle, so mainly use to fill the whole in the bone or for the teeth surgery.
Again without anti-coagulant with the right setting we also can get PRFM or platelet rich fibrin matrix, which is able to inject with the needle, so we can use this for skin rejuvenation and for hair-loss treatment.
PRF,PRFM,PRP,PPP what’s is the best ? Which type I use for myself ?
Platelet rich plasma is the first generation, that we use ourself blood for the regenerative medicine
Platelet-rich fibrin matrix (PRFM) or PRF, is an enhanced version of PRP, which believed to have superior quality, in helping wound healing.
According to the research from Annals of medicine and surgery , publish on June 2021, comparing the healing ability of PRP and pRFM on the skin graft, they found that , PRFM improving and accelerating the process of wound healing , better than PRP , due to the higher number of white blood cell and fibroblast.
Based on the research comparative study of platelet count, from Department of Haematology, Royal Hallamshire Hospital in UK, they found that PRF has higher number of platelet count than PRP, as show on this table
Myself personally I choose PRFM since it less painful and it pure natural from my own blood.
How about PPP ? Is it just the waste product ?
In platelet poor plasma, even it has small amount of platelet but also has fibrinogen and growth factor, according to the research publish in 2013 on tissue engineering journal, found that The fibrin network of PPP can help bone regeneration in animal study.
How about Platelet activation steps ? Is it necessary ?
You may heard about platelet activation step, by using calcium chloride or thrombin
Some doctor activate platelets by this method first , while others just apply platelets without activating them, which way is better ?
Recent studies found that the activation is not necessary because, at the time of administration, the platelets are automatically released and ready to do their function.
Prepare yourself for PRP treatment.
To make your blood the best quality, please avoid oily food ,the meal before treatment, because oily food will digest and absorb, to become the part of your plasma. Eating a healthy meal for your better plasma quality.
Some may suggest fasting before the treatment, I wouldn’t recommend for the first session, fasting with multiple needle injection treatment can make you feel fainting for people who sensitive with fasting or needle.
If you have beard, and you would like to do the treatment, on the skin under the beard area, you better shave your beard in the morning on your treatment day
PRP injection for hair , please shampoo your hair in the morning on the treatment day
Vampire facial , PRP treatment for face how we do it at Revival Clinic ?
After you choose what type of PRP, you would like to go on , between PRP of PRFM , then the treatment steps is
first we Deep clean your face remove the your make up from your skin
Then Apply numbness cream for about 30 to 40 minutes
and draw your blood to prepare PRP or PRFM preparation for
Generally 10 ml of whole blood will get about 1 ml of PRP we use about 40 to 50 ml in each session
Incase that we like to add more volume you can request to use PPP too there is no additional charge
For PRFM we get about one third of volume of your whole blood we take
After clean numbness clean from your face next step is the injection
My injection plan is
Inject deep into the volume loss area the to prevent the further volume loss and to stimulate new collagen production
Inject in the dermis to improve skin quality if you can accept the chance of bruising which will resolve by itself we also can inject around the eyes to improve skin texture and colour
Apply with micro needling to rejuvenate the upper most skin layer
Basically we treat all skin layer from the deep , middle and super facial
My style is to tailor made your treatment to be the best for you, So I would like to hear and discuss about what is your concern, what area is your priority
Vampire facial how often should I do the treatment ?
Generally for the initial phrase I would recommend once a month for 3 to 4 times then after that we call it the maintenance phrase it could be once every 4 to 6 month depend on your health and lifestyle.
Dont’ worried if your can’t follow all these schedule , this treatment still benefit for your skin anyway.
Our ageing process never stop so the maintenance phrase is to combat with your natural ageing process of skin.
If your work hard play hard expose to the sun a lot you may need multiple time a year for the maintenance phrase, If you avoid strong sun light eat healthy food keep sugar with the minimum , your skin ageing will go slower and we don’t need frequent treatment
Vampire facial aftercare guide
The day after treatment avoid exercise, better rest in the clean environment for the first day if you feel uncomfortable you can rinse your face with cold bottle of water
I recommend to keep all your routine skin care in the fridge and switch to sensitive skincare product for the first week
After care in details are importation to prevent complication and to reach the most benefit from the treatment
The rule is as long as you still your skin red it mean you need a special care for your skin … use sensitive skin care product and avoid strong sunlight
Never too much for the moisturiser for the first week , apply moisture keep your skin hydrate this will assist the skin healing and new collagen production
Make sure that you get enough nutrition especially protein and vitamin C , you can’t produce new collagen without it .
For all treatment that we aim for new collagen production your health status is the factor for the good result , smoking , sun damage , malnutrition these factor interfere the optimal result .
PRP for hair
PRP injection to scalp is widely use to treat hairless problem
It’s safe and effective ,can be used and single treatment or adjunct with oral and topical treatment for hairless
Prepare yourself for the treatment please shampoo your hair the morning before come for the treatment
After we get PRP or PRFM we will inject to the scalp, first priority is the area which has hair thinning and next inject to area which may have hair loss in the future. This treatment can be both treatment and prevention .
We can use numbness cream , lidocaine injection or ice compression to reduce the uncomfortable during the injection
Treatment in details I prefer to tailor made design depend on hair style scalp condition and hair-loss problem
After care , the day after treatment we prefer you to rest in the clean environment , avoid vigorous sport which cause sweating to prevent infection or inflammation , After treatment we will clean your scalp so no need to shampoo the evening after treatment
Tomorrow you can resume normal daily life, shouldn’t pick or scratch any scalp on the needle mark.
The first result that you will see is your hairless will be reduce as soon as in the first month
For the new hair grow it take months to starts you will see the maximum effect after start regular treatment for 1 year
Is there any where else we can use blood for rejuvenation ?
Basically you can use PR for everywhere , what we have dones here is face , neck , scalp , hand and scar
PRP, PRFM package and Price at Revival Clinic
For all technique that we discuss the single treatment is 10,000 THB per treatment
or 4 times package for 34,000 THB There is no extra charge
and for the package treatment you will get 1 set of after care skin care product for free
Is there any possible side effect ?
Bruising is possible complication especially people who take supplement such as fish oil , gingko My technique to minimum chance for bruising is to pay attention in detail nothing take a closure look to avoid visible blood vessel and stop bleeding immediately after the bleeding to prevent the big bruise . Anyway bleeding will resold by itself in 1 to 2 week depend on the size. Around the eyes is the area the easy to bruise if you would like to inject around the eyes especial over your eye bag there is like 50-50% chance to have small bruise follow the needle mark
Feeling tight or headache is depend on the volume we inject especially temporal area but will resolve in 24 hrs
trigger inflame Acne : for people who still have active acne I recommend to use PRP with fractional laser instead of micro needling to reduce the chance of triggering acne . You can choose to switch between fractional laser or micro needling there is no extra charge .
PRP is safe and effective treatment. You may heard about other serious side effect but that come because they mix pop with something else such as dermal filler or other material . Not only pure PRP.
Sterile technique is also vital. All kind of needle have to throw away using only for one person. Reuse needle can spread blood born diseases and increase risk of infection.